NFT Threes
Trading Card of Threes Spaces
MARket Place
How to Participate in Auctions?
Anyone who owns Ethereum can freely register and participate in auctions on OpenSea. There is a certain fee when selling items, but registration and use are basically free.However, in order to use OpenSea, you will need a wallet to store Ethereum. In this section, we will use the most popular wallet, Metamask, to explain.For additional information on the functions of Metamask.
Send money to Metamask
Send Ethereum from your currency exchange to Metamask, which is a new function added to your browser. Be careful not to leak your Metamask password or seed phrase to others.
Let's access OpenSea!
If you've prepared everything up to this point, the rest is easy! Please access to Click on "My Account Settings" in the upper right corner of the top page to go to the sign-in screen for connecting to Metamask. Click on "Sign in" and you are all set.
Let's participate in the auction!
Now let's participate in the actual auction and try to win the Godless Country NFT! First of all, please click on the following link to go to the purchase screen: On the screen, you can see the current price and price history along with the actual Godless Country NFT. Click on the "Bid" button to set the "Bid Amount". The winning bidder will be determined after the pre-set "auction period" has passed. You can also participate in the bidding process by using the "Offer" function below. Clicking on the "Make an Offer" button will bring up a window where you can place your bid, and enter the amount you want to bid.
What is Threes?
Threes is a platform in Japan that utilizes idle space. A new service that allows you to use the hotel's breakfast venue, restaurant, guest rooms, with drop-in and cashless, We are now currently available in 20 areas of 100 hotels in Japan.
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